Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Supporting and assessing learning in practice settings NM3272 Essay
Supporting and evaluating learning by and by settings NM3272 - Essay Example This technique is seen as powerful as it gives criticism on what and how much an understudy has learnt, and on how viable the instructing strategies are. A student can be seen while introducing a specific system on a body or volunteer and along these lines, the coach or assessor can review the understudy based on genuine introduction. This empowers in giving two manner input the on viability of showing techniques while simultaneously, the student becomes acquainted with their ability on proliferation of aptitudes. Students can likewise be evaluated by perception while checking capability of crisis gear like cardiopulmonary machines. Talking is another method of evaluating the student in a similar zone. It very well may be done orally with recently arranged inquiries or orally where a student clarifies an idea orally for appraisal. The two techniques are compelling as they permit direct evaluation of explicit information and abilities. They are likewise significant in estimating application and union psychological aptitudes. In contrast to interviews, perception gives the chance to watch genuine practice for example introduction on endo-tracheal pull on a sham. Perceptions likewise give less opportunity to cheating as arbitrary inquiries can be posed while the assignment is being performed. Meetings with pre-test questions permit an understudy to be increasingly agreeable not at all like watching an understudy, which can at times appear prying on private space. Positive inputs were given during readiness and help with crises instructional courses. Input isn't to be considered as a solitary occasion the idea is more than that of a specialist rectifying a learner’s mistake. Officially, a student is permitted to develop their own comprehension of the undertaking and figuring relating objectives and methodologies for accomplishing them (Nicole and Macfarlane 2006, p.303). Along these lines, positive criticism empowers the student distinguish risky regions and direct all vitality to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What Factors Influence Internet Use Among Teens English Language Essay
What Factors Influence Internet Use Among Teens English Language Essay The Internet has become some portion of todays youngsters culture and they are natural on the best way to utilize and explore in it. This paper thinks about the variables that impact web use among youngsters dependent on an overview gathered by Pew Internet American Life Project on an example of more than 1,000 teenagers between the ages of 12 to 17 who were met haphazardly by telephone. It demonstrates that 9 out of 10 access the web routinely which is an expansion of 75% in contrast with the year 2000. This high number is as opposed to the discoveries that solitary 66% of American grown-ups utilize the web. The examination further demonstrated that most young people previously got to the web between the age of 10 and 12. 87% conceded utilizing the web consistently, with 52% of them getting to the web every day, an expansion from 42% in 2000. About half of these young people, their families utilized a speedier broadband association with the rest utilizing different methods, for exam ple, dial-up associations. Adolescents were found to utilize the web for texting, online web journals, starting on the web talks and sending messages. In the study, 75% utilize texting contrasted with 42% of grown-ups as a methods for correspondence with their individual age mates. The overview likewise shows that 75% of todays adolescents utilize the web to peruse news which is a sharp increment from 38% in the year 2000. College of Diegos innovation trackers, for example, Susannah Stern anticipate that texting should continue becoming exponentially because of companion impact. In spite of the fact that Teens talked with felt that web utilize was a wellspring of basic fun and a methods for correspondence and research. Amanda Lenhart, a Pew scientist who took an interest in leading the investigation, found that Teens are specific theyre shrewd about their innovation use. They use it for the sorts of things they have to do. The more seasoned adolescent young ladies between ages 15 to 17 differentiated the legend of the technically knowledgeable young men since they were found to utilize the web more than their male partners. Writing audit To decide factors affecting Internet use among the young people, for example, socioeconomics and financial and peer impact, a writing survey of the accessible Pew examine has been directed, concentrating on factors affecting youngsters access to the Internet or World Wide Web with the exception of messaging purposes. As per the writing, understudies are the primary clients of the Internet. Jones and Madden (2002) directed an investigation on secondary school and junior understudies Internet use. Perusing the Internet was a day by day action; 73% of these understudies utilized the Internet more than the library for look into. Seventy-nine percent of the understudies concurred that Internet use has positively affected their scholarly experience (Jones and Madden, 2002). Princeton Research Associates for the benefit of Pew Internet American Life Project led across the country telephone meets, and did an investigation on how respondents entered the Internet. The information results show that all 59% of everyone entered the Internet under 86% of understudies (Jones and Madden, 2002). Study Framework and Hypothesis Development There are different variables impacting web use among adolescents. This audit gives a premise to this investigation dependent on the Pew Internet American Life Project review and will fundamentally test on the affecting components, for example, segment and social-monetary elements. Testable theory will at that point be proposed. Segment factors The specific components of sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, area of living arrangement and age were urgent in deciding web utilization among the young people comparable to their training status. There was a general increment for the two understudies and non-understudies access to the web. There was likewise an expansion in the extent of youngsters who got to the web across regular races in the United States, for example, Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Be that as it may, these increments have not been uniform over these gatherings. Most secondary school drop-outs were watched not to have been on the web for as long as one year with just under 33% offering an explanation to having gotten to it. This was in sharp complexity to the over 90% of junior understudies who have had standard access to the web in the age section of 18 to 19. Web get to would in general increment with expanding levels of training and was exceptionally utilized by junior understudies and post-optional understud ies. The augmenting hole between those in school and the drop-outs access to the web is anticipated to ascend because of expanding consolation and help of web passages in schools. In the event that more seasoned understudies as of now in school are uncovered and empowered more than more youthful understudies in secondary school, as is typically the situation, age will turn into a significant segment factor since web use pervasiveness will be higher in more seasoned understudies. Web utilization was obviously more noteworthy among whites than some other race particularly among guys. 71.8% of white guys got to the in contrast with 50.5% of Hispanic guys and 40.7% of dark guys. The open-finished inquiry on where a specific teenager got to the web was expressed and the appropriate responses arranged utilizing the classes of home, school, library, companions/neighbors, and other. Most adolescents were seen as increasingly happy with getting to the web at a companions home whereby over 34 .7% of guys and 29.3% of the youngsters reacted to this. Despite the fact that passageways, for example, the library were picked by just one of every eight, this was an improvement from 4.7% in 2000 to a current12.5%. Monetary elements Young people from low salary and high destitution zones have been generally impeded in getting to the web. A review carried on high schooler Internet utilization uncovers social and monetary abberations (Taylor et al., 2003). A connection between livelihoods, race and training was likewise watched. Levels of training were higher in Whites than some other minorities whereby the extent of whites who finished secondary school was more. This directly affected the quantity of web clients. Adolescents from low-salary family units evaluated at 3,000,000, a large portion of them dark, have no entrance to the web. In this manner, these children may not discover grown-ups who might somehow or another show them on the most proficient method to dependably utilize the web. Daniel Bassil, leader of Cabrini Connections, takes note of that, Even the children that approach dont essentially have individuals coaching them to utilize the data to their most prominent bit of leeway. Adolescents from low-p ay foundations are less inclined to get to the web for administrations, for example, texting and messaging as a method of correspondence since the majority of their companions are not online all the more often. This finding may show a distinction in decision of substance creation versus content utilization in various financial gatherings (Bosah, 1998). c)Social factors Free and boundless Internet get to When first year recruits register today, they get an understudy ID card, a supper card, and generally, significant, a free close to home email account. Theyve got no online help expenses to pay, no restrictions to their time signed on, and PC labs open for their comfort nonstop. Its an Internet clients dream. 2. Colossal squares of unstructured time Most understudies go to classes for twelve to sixteen hours out of each week. The remainder of the time is their own to peruse, study, head out to motion pictures or parties, join clubs, or investigate the new condition outside their grounds dividers. Numerous disregard each one of those different exercises and focus on a certain something: the Internet. 3. Recently experienced opportunity from parental control Away from home and their guardians careful gazes, undergrads long have practiced their new opportunity by participating in tricks, conversing with companions to the entire hours of the night, laying down with their sweethearts and lady friends, and eating and drinking things Mom and Dad would not support of. Today, they use that opportunity by hanging out in the MUDs and visit rooms of the internet, and no parent can grumble about online help charges or their refusal to eat supper with the family or help out with errands. 4. No checking or blue penciling of what they state or do online When they proceed onward to the work world, undergrads may discover dubious supervisors looking behind them or in any event, observing their online time and use. Indeed, even email to collaborators could be captured by an inappropriate gathering. In school, no ones viewing. PC lab screens will in general be understudy chips in whose solitary duty is to help any individual who needs assistance seeing how to utilize the Internet not mention to them what they may or may not be able to on it. 5. Full consolation from workforce and chairmen Students comprehend that their schools organization and workforce need them to utilize the Internets immense assets. Keeping away from all Net use is only sometimes a choice in some enormous classes, teachers place required course materials exclusively on the Net and participate in their lone oneon- one contact with understudies through email! Heads, obviously, need to see their significant interests in PCs and Internet get to advocated. 6. Immature preparing in comparative exercises By the time most children get to school, they will have gone through years gazing at computer game terminals, shutting off their general surroundings with walkmans, and taking part in that quick fire clicking of the TV remote. Regardless of whether they didnt get acquainted with the Internet in secondary school, those different exercises have made understudies appropriate to slide into careless Web surfing, ability testing MUDs, and rodent a-tattat talk room exchange. 7. The longing to get away from school stressors Students feel the weights of making top grades, satisfying parental desires, and, upon graduation, confronting wild rivalry for steady employments. The Internet, in a perfect world, would help make it simpler for them to do their fundamental course fill in as fast and effectively as could be expected under the circumstances. Rather, they go to their Net companions to avoid their troublesome sentiments of dread, uneasiness,
Thursday, August 13, 2020
Read Harder A Fairytale Retelling by an Author of Color
Read Harder A Fairytale Retelling by an Author of Color This list of fairytale retellings by authors of color is sponsored by TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations. TBR is Book Riot’s subscription service offering Tailored Book Recommendations for readers of all stripes. Been dreaming of a “Stitch Fix for books?†Now it’s here! Tell TBR about your reading preferences and what you’re looking for, and sit back while your Bibliologist handpicks recommendations just for you. TBR offers plans to receive hardcover books in the mail or recommendations by email, so there’s an option for every budget. Visit to sign up today. Once upon a time, a very special reader sought to broaden their mind by accepting Book Riots Read Harder Challenge. They were a rare breed, a diamond in the rough, a real Cinderella story, since one of the 24 challengesâ€"or labors, one might call them, if one was so inclinedâ€"that they undertook was to read a book featuring fairytale retellings, or really any retelling of a classic myth or canon story…but by an author of color. Finding them is no small feat, but if you fancy yourself the type of soul who rises to the occasion, here are some books that might help you complete your quest toward achieving Book Riots Read Harder Challenge, retellings of fairytales by authors of color. I hope you enjoy this list as much as I did. The Girl From The Well by Rin Chupeco This young adult novel retells the Japanese folktale of Bancho Sarayashiki, which entails a servants unjust death whose spirit returns to haunt the living. This rendition is told from the perspective of a dead girl who murders killers, and its not a story you want to missâ€"for what lover of fairytales and myths doesnt also love a story of righteous justice? Or better yet, a vigilante beatdown starring a vengeful spirit? The Husband Stitch in Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado Many children know the story ofâ€"and have been traumatized byâ€"The Girl with the Green Ribbon. To jog your memory without spoiling the ending, the urban legend begins with a man who falls in love with a girl, and she always wears a green ribbon around her neck. Carmen Maria Machados retelling, however, elaborates on the story, explaining not only the ribbons presence itself, but the rest of the legend that comes with it. (Side note: Machado is the best. If youre toying with the idea of reading her edit of Joseph Sheridan Le Fanus novella, Carmilla, or, as I like to call it, The Way He Meant It, click here to learn about how great it is. Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi Along with her novels Gingerbread and The Icarus Girl, Helen Oyeyemis Boy, Snow, Bird numbers among excellent retellings of fairytales. In it, Oyeyemi retells Snow White to include race politics, passing, vanity, and family secrets, and like her other fascinating reads, she weaves the story in a whimsical and gritty patternâ€"and thats really hard to do. These books all read like modern fairytales in just their style alone, but the content updates them, too, and expands their meanings. Beloved by Toni Morrison You may be familiar with the epic of Jason and the Argonauts, and you may know Euripedess play Medea, but the muse certainly sang in Toni Morrison when she wrote Beloved. I list this book in every way I ever can, and I seldom get to pitch it as a retelling. However. In this tale, the mother/Medea character does not murder her children to spite her husband, but to save them from a life of enslavement. Its a truly harrowing story of revenge, but the vengeance is not sought by the same character in this retelling… Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie This childrens book draws upon references to several classic fairytales, like Alice in Wonderland, The Wizard of Oz, and Peter Pan, but the one it alludes to most obviously is The Thousand and One Nights. The caliph who ruled during the time of that epic is often referenced in the Sea of Stories, plus the water genie references the story of Aladdin directly. You may know this book as The Arabian Nights instead of by its number, which is how the book is referenced in the Western World. The original is absolutely an Orientalist text, but its mythology is so rich that we cant not talk about it, regardless of the problems in its conception! One Thousand and One Nights by Hanan al-Shaykh In this retelling of the aforementioned classic myth, Lebanese author Hanan al-Shaykh braids together 19 stories from the collection of tales that originated among India, Persia, and the Arab world in modern English. As in the familiar tale, Shahrazad tries to delay her own execution at the hands of her husband by telling fantastical, magical, violent, and romantic stories each with cliff hanger endings. If youre unfamiliar with Hanan al-Shaykhs writing, this is a great place to start your immersion. And trust me…you want to be immersed. Aladdin by Yasmine Seale Once upon a time, embedded in the stories of Scheherazade or the Disney reimagining, there was a common thief named Aladdin…or was he just a spoiled child? This new translation of the Aladdin story from The Thousand and One Nights elaborates on the folktale that we all know and love…okay, so maybe I just know and love it, but Im pretty sure if youre an 80s or 90s baby, you couldnt have missed it. By the way, if youre wondering whether we should like Disneys new iteration of Aladdin, check out this post, too! Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston Speaking of Disney loves, the folk tale of Fa Mu Lan is a favorite of many in my generation. What Maxine Hong Kingston does here, though, in the titular essay of this collection, Woman Warrior is retell the myth of Fa Mu Lan as part of her own memoir. Though its just one part of this collection, the mythology is unforgettable, and I really cant oversell it. Tender by Sofia Samatar This collection of stories retells myths as varying as that of the selkies to djinns in the Middle East. Its spooky and compelling and fascinating, and if you, like me, enjoy disappearing down a research wormhole, these stories are exactly right for you because although each of them recalls something familiar in the collective unconscious of mythology, these fairytale retellings are all so shiny and new that they suck you into needing to know more. I hope you like this list, and that it helps aid you in your quest of completing Book Riots 2019 Read Harder Challenge! If you fall in love with one of the readings Ive mentioned, dont hesitate to drop me a line on social media or emailâ€"and same for if you know of a book that didnt make the list, but should have! Find all the Read Harder 2020 content here.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Quiz Essay example - 902 Words
1. Turnadot Sons is a small wholesaler of decorative cast iron objects. The following events, related to a special customer order, occur as described below;? August 5, 2005: Turnadot receives the special order for 200 outdoor planters at a selling price of $50 each, including delivery at a future convenient time and location. The customer, with whom Turnadot has had a long-term, trouble-free relationship, pays $3,000 as a deposit and agrees to pay the rest on delivery. Turnadot immediately orders $4,000 worth of planters from its supplier and pays a $1,000 deposit for them.;? August 27, 2005: Turnadot pays $3,000 balance due to the supplier upon delivery of the planters to its warehouse.;? September 5, 2005: The customer calls for†¦show more content†¦Debit the current asset advances to suppliers $1,000, credit cash $1,000;? Debit inventory $1,000, credit cash $1,000;? Debit cost of goods sold $4,000, credit cash $1,000, credit accounts payable $3,000;? Debit cost of goods sold $1,000, credit revenues $1,000;3. Turnadot Sons is a small wholesaler of decorative cast iron objects. The following events, related to a special customer order, occur as described below;? August 5, 2005: Turnadot receives the special order for 200 outdoor planters at a selling price of $50 each, including delivery at a future convenient time and location. The customer, with whom Turnadot has had a long-term, trouble-free relationship, pays $3,000 as a deposit and agrees to pay the rest on delivery. Turnadot immediately orders $4,000 worth of planters from its supplier and pays a $1,000 deposit for them.;? August 27, 2005: Turnadot pays $3,000 balance due to the supplier upon delivery of the planters to its warehouse.;? September 5, 2005: The customer calls for delivery of the planters, and pays the balance of $7,000 when they arrive at the customer site.;On August 27, 2005, upon delivery of planters to Turnadots warehouse and payment of $3,000Show MoreRelatedEssay The Quiz Sh ow1015 Words  | 5 Pages The film, â€Å"The Quiz Show†is about the famous public revealing of a rigged television production called Twenty-One during the 1950s. The shows main attraction, a Jewish Queen’s resident named Herbert Stempel, rose to fame as families around the county watched the bright contestant correctly answer question after question, week after week. As ratings and profits began to plateau sponsors and producers felt a change of face was necessary. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Looking Through The Eyes Of Female Narrators - 1833 Words
Looking through the eyes of female narrators provides an opportunity to complete the story of a time period one hasn’t experienced and discover women in history. In primary historical accounts, as well as dependable sources such as textbooks, history is often about the men that fought the wars, the men that had ideas, and the men that are remembered. Historical fiction, however, is a medium that provides authors with the chance to tell a story often narrated or focused around the story of a woman or women from a certain time period. This teaches readers about the women and their roles across the ages. Historical fiction tells an important, missing point of view: the stories left untold. Historical fiction is defined as â€Å"a work of writing that reconstructs the past†( ‘Re-imagined’ fiction embodies real past events, people, and culture in a fictional story. The goal of historical accounts is to prove what actually happened as well as what was documented. Historical fiction can tell what is hidden underneath logic and reality. Not only women are excluded, but colored people, queer people, disabled people, and mentally ill people are also left out of the record. It is generally the author’s goal to portray an underrepresented side or layer of a story. Writing women into our history through fiction based on real accounts is not only an important project, but it can also be a controversial undertaking. The problem with telling the stories of these women is the scarcityShow MoreRelatedThe Yellow Wall Paper By Charlotte Gilman1139 Words  | 5 Pageslight how much the narrator hates wallpaper and is a significant symbol portray al of awful state. The yellow wallpaper can have a representation of many conditions and ideas, among them, the mental state of the narrator. The paper is going to survey what the yellow wallpaper represents and notice how it is being depicted over the progression of the story. In addition, it will be explored why the yellow paper is likened to the narrator’s mental state. We start this by looking the state of women inRead MoreThe s Cane, Misunderstanding, Violence, And Even Death1639 Words  | 7 Pagesand they cannot see the interiority of the female character. The use of connecting women to nature suggests that Jean Toomer is looking at gender and how masculinity shapes the female role into isolation as physical objects of sexual desires. Communication fails because men only regard women as surfaces that have no identities. Men fail to understand or communicate with women because there is no spiritual connection – only physical. 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The narrator may be male or female because Poe uses only I and Me in reference to this character. Most readers may assume that the narrator is male because it is written in first person by a male author but the story can also be plausible if the narrator was a woman. In the times Poe was writing, he would be creating a story whose impact would be Read MoreMemoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland1447 Words  | 6 Pages A unique characteristic of Cleland’s engagement with female virtue is his recognition of rethinking morality. After all, when people think about morality, engage in current ways of conduct in their society, and perhaps recall the very first teachings of ‘value,’ these ideas are very frequently conventionalized in their minds. The difference between right or wrong become sites of their first understanding of morality and, in turn, attain their own significance for those who taught them those valuesRead MoreRepresentation Of The Feminine Of Select Ghost Stories Of Ruskin Bond1552 Words  | 7 Pagessupernatural by Bond in order to assess how the character of the female has been represented with a special emphasis on examining an element of the sinister which seems to be associated with each of these women. Whether as ghosts or as real, living individuals, these women exhibit a tendency to inflict harm on other characters which marks them as being decisively dange rous. What this paper tries to ascertain is whether these female characters can be simply branded as being evil or if there are actualRead More The Yellow Wallpaper1466 Words  | 6 PagesWhen looking at two nineteenth century works of change for two females in an American society, Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Stephen Crane come to mind. A feminist socialist and a realist novelist capture moments that make their readers rethink life and the world surrounding. Gilman’s â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper†was first published in 1892, about a white middle-class woman who was confined to an upstairs room by her husband and doctor, the room’s wallpaper imprisons her and as well as liberates herself
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The History of Espn Free Essays
$91, That’s all it cost to have ESPN incorporated back in 1978, when it was only run by three people, Bill Rasmussen, Scott Rasmussen, and Ed Eagan. Now if you take a look at ESPN today, you’ll see one of the world’s largest broadcast corporations. The History of ESPN is a long and pretty interesting story. We will write a custom essay sample on The History of Espn or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like stated above, the history of ESPN truly begins on September 7th, 1978, when the three founders paid $91 to have the company incorporated. After deciding to go with a 24-hour broadcasting schedule, ESPN debuted with Sports Center later that month, and then began to air a large variety of sports ranging from professional soft ball, to NCAA wrestling. Their fist dabble into a massive professional sport would be with the United States Football League, who’s games would be aired on the network. The league only survived for three years, but it gave the network the experience it needed when they gained partial rights to air Sunday Night football games, in 1987. Sunday Night Football would be on the network for nineteen years, till they switched to Monday nights. These are just the starting years to the massive behemoth that is ESPN. The 1990’s, a good a time period as any for ESPN. They gained rights to air MLB games, and also saw the founding of ESPN 2, in 1993. ESPN radio kicked of a year before ESPN 2, in 1992, making the company multi medial. 1996 saw the presence of Disney corperation, the parent company of ESPN, merge ABC sports and ESPN together. In 1997, ESPN started using SKYCAM to air it’s NHL games, and would soon put that innovative tech to use with the three other major sports leagues, MLB, NFL, and NBA. Company founders were long gone now, and things were looking really good for the future of the company. How to cite The History of Espn, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Case Study on Capital Gains Tax and Fringe Benefits Tax
Questions: Case study 1: Capital Gains Tax. 2: Fringe Benefits Tax. Answers: Answer to Case Study 1:- a) Calculation of Net Capital Gain/ Loss of Individual Taxpayer:- It is assumed that Dave Solomon, is an individual, whose main source of income is the salary, paid by his employer. He is not involved any kind of trading business. The assets sold by him in the current tax year can be considered, completely, as his capital assets. Moreover, he has generated any revenue from those assets earlier. Calculation of Net Capital Gain/Loss:- The net taxable capital gain or loss, generated from the sale of assets by David Solomon in the current tax year, is presented below (, 2016):- Name of Taxpayer : Dave Solomon Type : Individual Calculation of Net Capital Gain/Loss for the period ending on 30th June,20. Particulars Amount Amount $ $ a) Sale of Paintings : Selling Price of the Painting 125000 Less : Purchase Price of the painting 15000 Capital Gain on Sale 110000 Less : 50% Exemption on Capital Gain 55000 Taxable Capital Gain (A) 55000 55000 b) Sale of Luxury Motor Cruiser: Selling Price of the Cruiser 60000 Less : Purchase Price of the Cruiser 110000 Net Capital Loss (B) -50000 -50000 c) Sale of Shares: Selling Price of the Shares 80000 Less : Purchase Price of the Shares 70000 Less : Brokerage on Sale of Shares 750 Less : Stamp Duty on purchase of Shares 250 Taxable Capital Gain ( C) 9000 9000 Total Taxable Capital Gain (A+B+C) 14000 Less : Capital Loss of Previous Year 10000 Net Taxable Capital Gain 4000 Important Notes:- The capital gain on sale of the residential house of David Solomon is taken into consideration for ascertaining taxable capital gain, as the house was used for residential purpose by the taxpayer. According to the Australian Taxation Rule, any capital gain, generated from the sale of residential property is exempted from taxation (Woellner et al. 2012). The forfeiture of the deposits for breaching of contract by the purchaser has occurred within continuum of event. Therefore, the forfeiture of deposit is not considered as CGT event (Chan 2014). The painting, which has been sold in the current year, was purchased on not before 20th September, 1985, but on the same day. Therefore, it should be treated as a post CGT collectable asset and is allowed to have 50% exemption on the capital gain on sale of the asset (Conesa and Domnguez 2013). The luxury motor cruise is a personal asset and it has been owned by the taxpayer for more than 2 years. But, as the selling has generated capital loss, therefore, it is not allowed for 50% exemption (Faccio and Xu 2015). The shares, sold in the current year, are also purchased in the same period. The interest on loan, taken for purchasing the shares, is not considered as deductible expenses, as the taxpayer has not earned any income from the shares. The brokerage and stamp duty are incurred for acquiring and selling the asset. So, these costs are deducted from the respective capital gain (Harding 2013). The capital loss can be adjusted against capital gains only and it can be carry forwarded in future tax periods. Therefore, the capital loss of the previous year, is adjusted against the capital gain of the current year (Jacob and Jacob 2013). b) Consequences for Net Capital Gain:- The net capital gain, earned by David Solomon in the current year, will be added with the other assessable income to ascertain the net taxable assessable income of the taxpayer. The income slab for taxation purpose will be then determined on the basis of that net taxable income. c) Consequences for Net Capital Loss:- If David Solomon would generate any net capital loss, then that would be carry forwarded into next tax periods. It would be adjusted only if the taxpayer would generate any capital gain in future. Answer to Case Study 2:- a) Consequences Calculations for Fringe Benefit Tax of Periwinkle Pty. Ltd.:- Consequences for FBT:- It is assumed that Periwinkle Pty. Ltd. is a normal company and not entitled to any benefit for small business entities. The FBT consequences of Periwinkle, aroused for the benefits provided to Emma, one of the employee of the company is discussed below:- 1) It is assumed that the employee uses the car not only for office use but for non-work related purpose in frequent and regular basis. Therefore, the car benefit should be accounted for FBT as it is allowed to use for private purposes (Stilwell 2016). During the interstate travel of the employee, the car was parked at airport, not at the employers premises and the repairing of the car was annual maintenance type, not an unscheduled repairing. Therefore, the ten days, when the car was not used, also to be included in the FBT calculation (Hodgson and Pearce 2015). The statutory formula method is used for estimating the car fringe benefit. The calculation of car fringe benefit is shown in the following table:- Calculation Of Car Fringe Benefit:- Particulars Details Total Kms. Travelled during the FBT year A 10000 No. of Days in the FBT year B 366 No. of Days of Travel C 336 Annualised Kilometers (A x B/C) 10892.857 Statutory Rate as per Annualised Km. E 20.00% Cost Base F $33,000 No. of Days available for Private Use C 336 No. of days in FBT Year B 366 Taxable Value (FxExC)/B $6,059.02 2) The interest charged on the loan, given to the employee, should be treated as FBT. The Benchmark Interest Rate for such loan is 5.95% (, 2016). The company has charged the loan at an interest rate of 4.45%. As the actual rate is lower than the Benchmark Rate, the FBT should be calculated on the actual rate of interest (Pearce and Pinto 2015). The calculation for FBT on interest on loan is shown below:- Calculation of Interest on Loan for FBT:- Particulars Details Loan to Employee A $500,000 Benchmark Interest Rate B 5.95% Actual Interest Rate C 4.45% Taxable Value Interest on Loan D = (AXC) $22,250 3) The bathtub provided to the employee at a special discounted rate, is a FBT expense. The taxable value of the bathtub is estimated at 75% of the normal selling price and the FBT is calculated accordingly in the following table (, 2016):- Calculation of Special Discount for FBT:- Particulars Amount $ Market Price of the Bathtub A 2600 Special Price for the Employee B 1300 Taxable Value of the Bathtub C=A x 75% 1950 Taxable Value of Benefit C - B 650 Calculation of FBT:- The Fringe Benefit Tax for Periwinkle Pty. Ltd. is calculated in the following table according to the above-mentioned assumptions (, 2016):- Name of Taxpayer : Periwinkle Pty. Ltd. Type : Company Calculation of Fringe Benefit Tax for the period ending on 31st March,2016 GST Inclusive GST Free Particulars Amount Amount $ $ Car Benefit 6059.02 Interest on Loan 22250 Sale at Special Rate 650 Total of GST Inclusive/Free Benefits 6059.02 22900 A B Gross-up Rate 2.1463 1.9608 C D Gross-up Value 13004.47 44902.32 E = A x C F=B X D Total Taxable Fringe Benefit 57906.79 G = E + F Fringe Benefit Tax Rate 49% J Fringe Benefit Tax Liability 28374.33 K = G x J b) Alternative Consequences:- If the employer, herself, purchased the shares, instead of her husband and earn dividend from such shares, then the part interest on loan for $50000, will be considered as an deductible expenses of the employee. Therefore, the FBT of the employer will also get reduced accordingly (Eccleston 2013). Reference List:- (2016).How to calculate your FBT | Australian Taxation Office. (2016).Property fringe benefits | Australian Taxation Office. Chan, C., 2014. Earnouts and CGT: Fine-tuning the.Tax Specialist,18(1), p.27 Conesa, J.C. and Domnguez, B., 2013. Intangible investment and Ramsey capital taxation.Journal of Monetary Economics,60(8), pp.983-995 Eccleston, R., 2013. The Tax Reform Agenda in Australia.Australian Journal of Public Administration,72(2), pp.103-113 Faccio, M. and Xu, J., 2015. Taxes and capital structure.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,50(03), pp.277-300 Harding, M., 2013. Taxation of dividend, interest, and capital gain income Hodgson, H. and Pearce, P., 2015. TravelSmart or travel tax breaks: is the fringe benefits tax a barrier to active commuting in Australia? 1.eJournal of Tax Research,13(3), p.819 Jacob, M. and Jacob, M., 2013. Taxation, dividends, and share repurchases: Taking evidence global.Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,48(04), pp.1241-1269 (2016).TR 1999/19 - Income tax capital gains: treatment of forfeited deposits (As at 11 October 2000).
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Customer satisfaction and willingness to switch Essay Example
Customer satisfaction and willingness to switch Essay Customer Satisfaction was recognized as major outcome of marketing activity which helps in explaining post purchase phenomenon such as repeat purchase and brand loyalty. Oliver (1999) defined Customer Satisfaction as the consumer s sense that consumption provides outcomes against a standard of pleasure versus displeasure. Eshghi, Roy and Ganguli (2008) suggested that relational quality, competitiveness, reliability, reputation and transmission quality are significant predictors of customer satisfaction. Aydin and Ozer(2005) defined it as customers overall (dis)satisfaction with the brand based on all encounters and experiences with that particular brand. Hence, in the study overall customer satisfaction with the service provider was evaluated instead of consumers specific transaction experiences. They also suggested that increased customer satisfaction, increased trust in the firm and switching costs are essential for customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is a relationship between relative attitude towards on entity and repeat patronage behavior (Dick and Basu, 1994. Oliver (1999) suggested that customer satisfaction and Customer Loyalty are linked inextricably. Harris and Goode (2004) suggested the satisfactions mediating role in the relation between perceived quality or value and loyalty. Anti n, Camarero, and Carrero (2007) have confirmed that the mediating effect of customer satisfaction between the predisposing (poor service quality and low firm commitment) and precipitating factors (price unfairness and anger incidents) of dissolution and the consumers switching intention. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer satisfaction and willingness to switch specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Customer satisfaction and willingness to switch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Customer satisfaction and willingness to switch specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Also, Spiros P. Gounaris, Nektarios A. Tzempelikos, Kalliopi Chatzipanagiotou (2007) explained how customer percieved value influences, through customer satisfaction and loyalty, the buying behaviour of consumers. In our study, the term perceived price is to mean the degree of reasonability which a customer associates a given price fixed for the usage of the mobile service, value- added services charges and the monthly rental charges. This is mainly a perception factor in the consumer mind. We test for the influence of this factor, the perceived price on the construct of customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in turn encompasses the comprehensive view of the mobile service provider in the customer`s mind. While customer satisfaction is contingent on several factors, herein we explore the effect of the perceived price on the same. There has been a body of research carried out in the past, in various sectors, on the influence of this factor on the overall customer satisfaction levels. Carmen Anti n, Carmen Camarero, and Mirtha Carrero (2007) found evidence in the insurance industry that unfair pricing is a determinant to customer satisfaction. In fact, they have concluded that unfair pricing strongly impacts switching, in a direct and indirect manner via customer satisfaction. Chada and Deepa Kapoor (2009) have stated that Customer satisfaction in turn affects the price senility of a customer. Evangelia Blery, Nick Batistatos et al (2008) conclude that the perceived price is negatively affects a repeat purchase of a customer in a negative manner. Makam S Balaji (2009) examined the effects ofvarious factors, including perceived price on customer satisfaction in the Indian mobile telephony sphere and found it to be strongly associated. The findings of Muhammad Mohsin Butt and Ernest Cyril de Run(2008) show that the satisfaction levels of Pakistani mobile telephone service users satisfaction is dependent on price, among several other factors. Ristola and M. Kesti(2006) conceptualized that the service quality depends upon the above mentioned factors. The physical factors involves the physical product and supports, interactive quality refers to the interaction between the customer and the service provider, and the corporate quality is symbolic in nature and involves the perception about the company in the minds of the customers and its brand image. Service quality is defined as a global assessment that is the customers overall impression of the relative inferiority/superiority of the service provider and its services. Further, Rusk and Zahorik supported the expectation-perception gap for measuring service quality. The main antecedents to perceived service quality are the customer expectation and perceived performance (Bitner and Hubert). Further, Richard Spreng, Linda Shi,Thomas Page suggested that net Customer Satisfaction has a marginally higher impact on switching intention than total perceived service quality. Also, A. Taylor,Thomas L. Baker(1994) concluded that Consumer satisfaction moderates the relationship between the quality of service and intention to switch. Zhilin Yang, Robin T. Peterson (2004) found that switching costs moderate the relationship between satisfaction and perceived value. Next, Hsin-Hui (Sunny) Hu, Jay Kandampully and Thanika Devi Juwaheer(2009) examined the association and impact of customer satisfaction and perceived value and found that customer satisfaction is affected by perceived service quality. Das, Bhagaban Mohanty, Sangeeta(2007) carried out a study in the Indian context and found that better perceived service quality leads to increased customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction results from the comparison of expected performance with that of the perceived actual performance (Churchill, Suprenant, 1982). Parasuram et al also suggested that service quality is positively related to the customer satisfaction levels and that service quality perceptions are dependent not only on the outcomes but also on the evaluation of the service delivery process by the customers. Venetis and Ghauri (2000) viewed that the service quality is regarded as one of the few means for service differentiation and competitive advantage that attracts new customers and contributes to the market share. Further, Rakshit Negi (2009) concludes that the service quality was found to be significantly linked with the overall cellular phone user satisfaction. Also, Birgit Leisen(2006) suggests, as perceived levels of satisfaction increase, the less likely the customer is going to switch to a more conveniently located competitor and, hence, the more loyal he or she remains. Further, T. Vanniarajan, P. Gurunathan (2009) concluded that the cellular operators need to engage in improving the quality of both the value added services and the main service quality to increase their customer satisfaction which would lead to a greater customer loyalty. Hence differentiation leads to customer satisfaction.
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Andes Essays - Communes Of Chile, Racing, Sandboarding
The Andes Essays - Communes Of Chile, Racing, Sandboarding The Andes offer a number of trekking trails where you can marvel at the natural beauty of this small country, which practically hangs off the edge of the map. Options include northern altiplano treks at altitudes of over 4,000 meters, climbing circuits (of varying skill levels) at the world-renowned Torres del Paine National Park in southern Patagonia, and paths leading through native forests on the island of Chilo and northern Patagonia. Keeping with the mountain theme, the area surrounding Santiago and the southern part of the country are home to skiing and snowboarding runs that attract tourists from around the globe each year. With an endless array of rivers and lakes and an unusually long coastline, Chile is a premier destination for water sports like surfing, kayaking, rafting, scuba diving and fishing. The rivers and lakes of Patagonia offer world-class fly fishing thanks to their abundance of trout. Adventure seekers will find plenty of places to practice sandboarding, canopy ing, paragliding and other exciting sports throughout the country. If you're looking for something more peaceful, southern Chile is the place for you. Its lush forests, waterfalls and lakes are a delight for travelers looking to connect with nature in its purest form. Relax as you take in its canals lakes and volcanoes. Snapping photos will be your only care in the world. !Canopying Whether you find yourself near Santiago or in southern Chile, there are plenty of opportunities to try canopying, a sport that involves zipping through forests among the treetops, combining fun, adrenaline and an opportunity to appreciate the natural wonders that surround you. The sport gains new fans every day in Chile, and dozens of companies offer this thrilling and ecologically-friendly activity to locals and visitors alike. In Cajn del Maipo (15 km from Santiago), you can zoom along a line over the Maipo River at speeds of up to 50 kilometers per hour. The Via del Mar Botanical Gardens offer both adult routes (which are about 1,500 meters long) and shorter childrens circuits. This activity is very popular in Pucn, Villiarica and Valdivia. In fact, the longest canopying circuit in South America is Pucns El Cndor, a 3,500 meter long route with six stations and views of the Villarrica, Quetrupilln and Lann Volcanoes and two lagoons. Another renowned route is in the basin of Lake Llanquihue, near Puerto Varas. The circuit reaches heights of 100 meters and includes 11 segments that are accessible to canopying fans of all ages. The Huilo-Huilo Reserve has a route that combines canopying and trekking along trails that lead through its forests. Finally, in the Northern Patagonia, youll find canopy routes that run through the forest that links Lake General Carrera and Lake Negro. Featured Destinations ! 1 Araucana 2 Highlights of the Central Valley 3 Osorno 4 Puerto Montt Puerto Varas 5 Santiago !Tips 01 !Precautions Its important to make sure that you work only with certified operators who provide the necessary equipment: a firm harness with two straps that connect to the cable, a helmet and gloves, and a solid infrastructure. !Sandboarding Sandboarding is becoming more popular in the countrys central and northern regions, which offer large dunes with fine sands and majestic views. Best of all, the sport is still so new that you wont have to deal with hordes of tourists. The best known place for practicing this sport is Valle de la Muerte, located 2 km from San Pedro de Atacama, where local agencies provide sandboards, guides and transportation to gigantic dunes of fine sand. The slopes allow you to reach high speeds and offer the unique colors and textures of the Atacama Desert at sundown. You can also surf the dunes by starlight. Next, head to Cerro Dragn, in Iquique, which offers soft hills, strong winds and a panoramic view of the Pacific Ocean. Youll find the solitary dunes of the Quebrada de Quisma further inland along with the picturesque town of Pica, where you can enjoy relaxing hot springs after a day of sandboarding. Another northern destination for fans of this exciting sport is Medanoso, near Copiap. At 1,600 meters, its the tallest dune in Chile and part of the Argentina-Chile Dakar Rally. In the evening, it turns a deep
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
The Definition of an Operating Segment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Definition of an Operating Segment - Essay Example Corporations that sell at the retail level, but who also have an online operation have multiple operating segments. The e-commerce operation would be considered an operating segment. Let’s take the Jiffy Lube business as an example. The money generated by the oil change operation would be considered an operating segment. The car wash operation of the business is another operating segment. Any food items sold inside the store in the waiting area would be a third operating segment of the company. 2. I agree with your definition of an operating segment. It is imperative for the CEO or COO of a company to evaluate the performance of each operating segment on a recurrent basis. Whenever an operating segment starts to under perform that segment could become unprofitable. A strategy that can be used by management to eliminate operating segments that are not generating profits is divesture. Divesture can be defined as the partial or full disposal of an investment or asset through sale, exchange, closure or bankruptcy (Investopedia, 2011). (2011). Divesture. Retrieved September 7, 2011 from Effective and successful managers are able to generate profits from all the operating segments of a company. On many instances companies achieve expansion by adding operating segments to their operations. ... Two powerful stock exchanges are the NYSE and the LSE. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1933 requires companies to register with the SEC prior to going public. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 discusses the matter of being public. Once a company is public the SEC oversees its activities. The Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 regulates broker dealers and stock exchanges. 6. GAAP guidelines are used in the preparation of financial statement disclosures. Financial statement disclosures are comments or explanations listed in a company’s financial statements. Three types of items that are covered by disclosures and whose inclusion is mandatory based on GAAP rules are changes or errors, asset retirement and insurance contract modification. There are also voluntary disclosures included in the business reports of companies. Some voluntary disclosures include forward looking statements and management analysis. 5. The threshold to for an operating segment to be reportable is listed below: Reported revenue is at least 10 percent of combined revenue Reported profit (loss) is at least 10 percent of combined profit (loss) Assets are 10 percent or more of combined assets (Schroeder & Clark & Cathey, 2011). Schroeder, R.G., Clark, M.W., Cathey, J.M. (2011). Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis (10th ed.). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons. 7. Weekly Summary Week 5 was very challenging, but I learned a lot about accounting during the week. The individual paper discussed pension funds. I learned that the use of pension funds became used a lot in corporate America after World War II. The accounting profession and the government have ensured that corporations respect the rights of retirees by properly funding pension funds. In
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
To what extent do you believe that the RIPA 2000 balances Respect for Essay
To what extent do you believe that the RIPA 2000 balances Respect for Private Life with a Need to Protect the Public - Essay Example It is argued that the balance is in favour of protection of the public. The Right to Privacy In order to determine the extent to which the tensions between protection of the public and protection of the right to privacy are balanced in the context of online communications via RIPA, it is first necessary to analyse the legal framework relative to the right to privacy. ... However, where those exceptions exist such as the protection of the public or the prevention of crime, interference in the individual’s right to privacy must be according to law. In this regard, the European Court of Human Rights (EHR) ruled that any such laws or regulatory regime must be clear enough so that average citizens is aware that he or she does not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the circumstances allowing state interference in private life.6 Obviously where an individual engages in certain activities in public, there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy.7 Obviously online communications are activities conducted in public and thus there should be no reasonable expectation of privacy, thus no breach of Article 8(1).8 Even so, the European Court of Human Rights has held that the mere fact that activities are conducted in public does not automatically mean that there can be no reasonable expectation of privacy.9 It therefore follows that if an activit y is conducted in public and there is a reasonable expectation of privacy, the protection of privacy as provided for under Article 8 of the ECHR will arise. Online communications can be regarded as public activities but can raise complex questions as to whether or not there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. For example, posting in a public forum online or blogging are probably as public as an individual carrying a â€Å"banner†in public can reasonably expect for it to be read by almost anyone.10 Complicating matters for online communications relative to a reasonable expectation of privacy, online users often have several tools available to them for â€Å"restricting access.†11 On the other hands, there are instances in online communications where the user obviously has a
Monday, January 27, 2020
Benefits of Social Media Recruitment
Benefits of Social Media Recruitment With the advent of social media, companies have more information than ever on job candidates, and the process of evaluating those candidates can be lengthy. In the past, companies tried to determine candidate fit through their rà ©sumà ©s. Today, employers perform web searches on candidates, learn more about them from social media, and examine their work samples. These processes introduce noise and are potentially risky the Protected Class issue Id mentioned before often leading to inconsistent results as well. Also, it is a challenge to derive useful information, such as passion around a particular technology or relevant professional connections. To ensure no ethical or legal boundaries are crossed, our proprietary technology removes the noise, such as Protected Class data, ensuring both the privacy of the job seeker is protected while helping the employer get a better perspective on the best candidates for the position. Companies are increasingly using social recruiting t o source candidates for employment, as well as to investigate applicants they are considering hiring. Its important to be aware of how companies are using social media to recruit, so you can use employers recruiting tactics to your advantage and position yourself to be discovered by companies seeking candidates. A new survey released by Jobvite, a company that provides applicant tracking software, shows that 92% of employers are using or planning to use social networks for recruiting this year. This is up slightly from last year at 89%. The study retrieved insights from over 1,000 companies, mostly based in the U.S., in a wide variety of industries. Social networks are viewed by corporations as a means to recruit both passive and active candidates in a personal yet professional way. Companies such as Ernst Young  are building employer brands on social networks to position themselves as the best place to work and to interact with potential candidates. Aside from passively marketing their companies, recruiters are messaging prospects directly, getting introduced through connections and posting jobs in groups. They are using these networks to fish where the fish are. Here are some more details regarding how recruiters are using the top three social networks, and how you can best shape your profiles and posts to increase your chances of getting hired. 1. LinkedIn. Nearly all (93%) of recruiters are using LinkedIn to discover talent. This is up from 87% in 2011 and 78% in 2010. Furthermore, 89% of recruiters have hired through LinkedIn. LinkedIn was made for recruiting, and the site has an entire suite of recruiting solutions. LinkedIn Recruiter allows recruiters to reach passive candidates by expanding the reach of their personal networks, contact candidates directly and manage a pipeline of talent. The smart advice is to fully utilize LinkedIn in your job search. Its essential to have to have a flawless (and completely filled-out) profile so that recruiters take you seriously. You should also optimize your profile by adding specialty keywords into your headline (for example eCommerce and Social Media Expert), summary, and throughout the rest of your profile so that when recruiters search for candidates with certain skills, you come up. I also recommend that you join industry groups to connect with recruiters that are loo king for industry-specific candidates. 2. Facebook. Out of the three networks, Facebook saw the biggest gain in overall usage by recruiters to find job candidates, moving from 55% in 2011 and 2010, to 66% today. One in every four recruiters has successfully found a candidate on Facebook. Companies are using Facebook to discover talent and arent hiring directly from the site. But they are creating Facebook pages and promoting them, as well as jobs, through the Facebook Ads platform. Recruiters are using Facebook groups, advertising and their corporate Facebook careers page in order to source candidates. For instance, Marriotts Jobs and Careers page has an application that lets you run your own Marriott Hotel kitchen, which increases their page engagement and attracts more people to like the company. As a job seeker, you have to make sure youve turned on your privacy settings, are careful what you post regardless, and youre tapping into your friend network to get referrals. You can also use the BranchOut or BeKnown applications to map job openings to your network. If nothing else, you should like a company so you can follow updates and comment. 3. Twitter. More than half of recruiters (54%) now use Twitter as part of their talent search. This is up from 47% in 2011 and 45% in 2010. Only 15% of recruiters surveyed have actually hired a candidate through Twitter. Companies are using Twitter to post job entries through their own accounts (i.e. CitiJobs). They are also using third party companies, such as Tweet My Jobs and Twit Job Search, to promote their listings. Job seekers should follow companies they want to work for on Twitter and watch out for job listings, while also interacting via Twitter with employees who work there. Again, its important to have a strong profile and several Tweets under your belt before you start truly utilizing Twitter to help you pursue work. If Im a recruiter, Social media can be a great source for discovering passive candidates those who are employed but open to changing jobs for the right opportunity who represent nearly half of all currently employed talent. Because the desired opportunities rarely exist on job boards, and job seekers are participating in communities all over the web (sites like GitHub for engineering talent, for example), social media can become a fascinating place for employers to find talent that they may not be able to find otherwise. At Reppify, we simplify this process even further by first identifying this talent and then connecting with this talent to suggest those candidates who best match against specific job criteria. If Im a job seeker, Leveraging your network wherever possible is key. The average user on a network such as LinkedIn, for example, has around 200 connections. With hiring on the rise again, job seekers will need to use their connections to help get ahead of the competition and get through to those jobs where they are most qualified. Soon, this will also begin working in reverse as employers adopt new technology and tools, those right jobs will begin to find you. ADVANTAGES OF UTILIZING SOCIAL MEDIA IN TERMS OF RECRUITMENT: It is more efficient. Organizations can use social media to tap potential recruits much more easily by advertising vacancies and searching for recruits on LinkedIn, for example. However, LinkedIn and other social media applications can actually be used for much more than simply a job post site. Indeed, social recruiting can be used to increase effectiveness and forge new and deeper relationships between employees and employers. Rather than simply recruiting the person with the best-looking CV, social media can ensure that that person is also the best fit for the company. Technology is essentially being used to provide better quality links to potential employees, developing and maintaining a relationship over a number of years, which can be tapped in to at later date. There are a number of ways in which this can be done, for example, LinkedIn, Facebook and other social networks offer the chance to form a community based on a topic determined by the organization. However, while an organization like Goldman Sachs globally invests over 100,000 hours each year in conversations with prospective employees, it is not always practical for organizations to put this much effort into their recruitment. That said, social media does make it simple for any organization to proactively develop some kind of relationship with potential employees to the best if its ability.  Social media applications are also being used to rate and compare employees, determine cultural fit and extend internal initiatives, like the referral scheme, to an external audience and using social media to compliment their hiring process: 75 percent are using LinkedIn for background checks and 48 percent are using Facebook for background checks. In fact, more than two-thirds of all HR professionals now run internet searches on job applicants. According to Microsoft, one in four HR employees has rejected a candidates application based on their social networking profile, while only 37 percent of people see it as their responsibility to protect their online reputation. Top 10 tips for social media recruitment: Rip up the old organizational chart: The corporate social media function crosses disciplines. The customer service, public relations, marketing and sales teams, they all have a stake in how the social media function impacts daily operations. Dont give the job to the junior staffer: British furniture retailer Habitat learned a hard lesson in 2009: dont entrust the brands Twitter feed to an impudent intern. Since the infamous hash tag incident, in which Habitat tried to spam the Twitter verse by using trending hash tags from the Tehran protests, companies have started putting a dedicated, always-staffed Dont outsource: This is a job thats far too vital to be placed in the hands of an outside agency. The insights that come with speaking directly to customers is crucial feedback that can better inform a companys sales, PR and marketing functions, plus product development and innovation. Give the social media team the power to report to the board: The social media outreach team has a finger on the pulse of customers, prospective customers and critics. This is vital detail that needs to be communicated as far up the management chain as possible. Be prepared: A lone gripe posted to Facebook, Twitter or on a blog can quickly become a PR nightmare. Have a response strategy drafted up and be ready to use it. Find your voice: Veteran journalists speak of the need to develop a resonant voice, one that puts the reader at ease, entertains and informs. Its no different with your social media communications strategy. Be courteous, professional and respectful: This is a medium that gives some companies fits because they do not know how to respond to customers venting their frustration. Take the high road. Treat each gripe as an opportunity to learn: In the old days you had to organize focus groups, promising them tea and biscuits, to learn what the public thought of you and your products and how you conduct business. Now, that detail is available without strings. Monitor, monitor, monitor: What is the public saying about you? About your competitors? You need to listen intently before you can begin to engage, and ultimately, transform your brand into a more transparent and socially adept organization. Reasons Social Recruiting Beats Traditional Recruiting Recruiting top talent has always been a challenge. But with new social recruiting tactics, many companies are turning to online communities and platforms to source candidates quicker and easier. 1. Making Human Resources Human Again, Digitally: Social recruiting has a major advantage over traditional recruiting: its more human. Compared to the post a job; wait for hundreds of resumes; let ATS filter through keywords; never get back to anyone process many use today, social recruiting is a transparent, active approach where only the best candidates are sourced. In addition, recruiters can determine first impressions and cultural fit even perform a bit of a background check before approaching the candidate. 2. Ability to Connect with Top Talent Now: Social recruiting has made it possible to interact directly with job candidates. These days, the best candidates are easily found online and recruiters can weed out job seekers who are not a match for the position in a simpler way. Use social media outlets to find recommendations from previous employers can save you time you might have spent contacting references and former employers. 3. Leads to Better Connections Faster: In the traditional hiring process, it could be several rounds of resume reviews and phone screens before applicants and employers got to really connect on a personal level. Thanks to social media and video interviews, this connection is happening more instantaneously and with less time wasted. Now employers can see if a candidate will be a good match for the company sooner, helping both job seekers and hiring managers save valuable time and resources in the search for the perfect fit. 4. Make Your Job Openings Go Viral: The prime advantage of social recruiting vs. traditional recruiting is that social recruiting allows your job openings to have viral qualities. Viral qualities can include the language of your job description, the visuals you use, engaging or funny videos, and social connect ability features. You cant use any of these tools with traditional recruiting and why wouldnt you want to? 5. Helps You Get to Know More About the Candidate Than Just Whats on Paper: While social recruiting does have its challenges (its a legal compliance nightmare if done incorrectly), it helps you learn more about a person and their demeanor. Social recruiting lets you engage with candidates and assess not just their skills but their personality and ability to fit with the culture of your organization. 6. Discovering Candidates Who Want to Be Discovered: Companies are increasingly using social recruiting to source candidates for employment, as well as to investigate applicants they are considering hiring. Its important to be aware of how to use social media to recruit to discover candidates that have positioned themselves to be discovered. Social recruiting allows you to see how the candidate represents themselves and what companies they are connected with. 7. Allows Recruiters to Connect With Talent in a More Informal, Engaging Manner: Social recruiting allows talent acquisition professionals to engage with a community of talent in a more informal, engaging manner versus Were hiring, youre great, lets talk.  Ultimately, what were trying to do is initiate a dialogue and information exchange with people and social channels are an excellent way for this to happen. 8. Relationship-Driven Connections: Social recruiting supports the development and maintenance of relationships that can reach far beyond the immediate hiring need. By connecting and interacting with candidates through social channels, recruiters are able to create real connections and build relationships with interested individuals. You never know who may turn into a great new hire in the future! 9. Availability of Relevant Candidate Data: The combination of the quantity and quality of relevant candidate data in social networks is a game changer. Social connections are now mapped out in a way that makes it possible for employers to supercharge the referral process like never before. Employees dont have to conjure up candidates social networks can present quality referrals with a single click. CONCLUSION According to the research on this topic I do think that the use of social media by employers will continue to be the trend; and while there will be instances of Facebook password requests of candidates by potential employers so they can examine their profiles for objectionable content, these will likely remain edge cases. Most employers will pursue intelligent policies that effectively leverage relevant information from social media, such as project work on an open-source engineering site, to select the top qualified candidates.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Canada: The Best Place to Live In
Constantly rated by the United Nations (UN) as the best country to live in, Canada is said to be the second biggest country in the world and is very rich in natural resources and about quarter of a million chooses to enter Canada as new Permanent Residents (â€Å"Why Canada? †). Canada is also considered to be the best placed to move to if one wants to be a survivor of climate change in the decades ahead. This was the result of a study made by Maplecroft, a British consultancy which specializes in mapping risks.Among the 168 countries mapped in the Climate Change Risk Report of Maplecroft, Canada topped the list with a vulnerability score of 8.81, with 10 being the highest and 1, the lowest (McCarthy). Since Canada is my place of residence, it would be interesting to study why it is constantly rated by UN and other ranking authorities as the best country to live in. Introduction Since the Maple Leaf flag was adopted in 1965, Canada grew rapidly as a natural resource-based econ omy. However, in the 1970s there was major upheaval in Quebec when the separatist movement took on a violent nature, but in 1980 a referendum showed the majority of Quebecois were against indepen ¬dence.The eighties were characterised by constitutional issues. Canada's constitution (the BNA Act) was an act of the British Parliament and, as an independent country; Canada wanted to ‘bring home' the constitution. In 1982, parts of the BNA Act were changed and it became a Canadian act: The Constitution Act. Included in it is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Quebec is the only province that did not sign the new constitution and two subsequent attempts to bring it in, the Meech Lake Accord and the Charlottetown Accord, failed.In 1995 another Quebec refer ¬endum on independence took place and the ‘no' side (against independence) won by a very narrow margin. (â€Å"Historical Framework of Canada†) Canada became increasingly linked to the political economy of the U. S through various treaty agreements and trade arrangements like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Most of Canada’s trades were with the U. S. While American businesses expanded their investments in the Canadian economy, foreign corporations (mostly U. S. companies) owned most of the nation's petroleum and discouraged Canadian-controlled research and development projects.This resulted in Canada's exclusion from the microchip computer revolution that transformed American technology and industries in those periods. Although some Canadian policy makers soon complained of the growing dependence of the Canadian economy on foreign companies, the pattern persisted and placed Canada in an increasingly precarious position in the world market. When the Middle Eastern oil crisis struck Western countries in the 1970s and 1980s, the Canadian economy was particularly hard hit. Despite heavy dependence on the U. S. for economic development and defense, Canada experie nced unprecedented economic growth and prosperity.Production and consumption rose, as the nation's population not only increased but continued to urbanize, and then suburbanize, in growing numbers. A variety of forces fueled the development of Canadian cities, suburbs, and consumer culture: the baby boom, relatively low rates of unemployment, and an overall rise in the standard of living. Yet, as in earlier eras, the country's prosperity was unequally distributed. By the late 1980s and early 1990s, Canada was also attracting increasing numbers of new immigrants from Europe (especially Italy), Africa, Asia, and the Americas (Stearns).Canada, like most other major economies, faces a challenging economic environment over the next couple of years. A Senior Economist from the State Street Global Advisors wrote that: †The multiple and cascading shocks associated with skyrocketing commodity prices, alarmingly stressed and volatile financial markets (associated in part with a still gr owing â€Å"subprime†credit crisis), and persisting global imbalances are creating a disconcertingly murky outlook that seems to offer few good policy options to central bankers and other economic policymakers.However, the Canadian economy has demonstrated an impressive resilience to economic shocks such as the dramatic appreciation of the Loonie over the last half-decade. This proven resilience keeps us optimistic that although the economy has stumbled, it won't be down for long and indeed may well end up outperforming the other major advanced economies over the medium term. †Developmental IndicatorsThe Human Development Index (HDI) provides a composite measure of three dimensions of human development: living a long and healthy life (measured by life expectancy), being educated (measured by adult literacy and enrolment at the primary, secondary and tertiary level) and having a decent standard of living (measured by purchasing power parity, PPP, income). It basically provides â€Å"a broadened prism for viewing human progress and the complex relationship between income and well-being. †Under the 2007/2008 Human Development Report, the HDI for Canada was 0.961, which gave the country a rank of 4th out of 177 countries. (â€Å"Canada: The Human Development Index – going beyond income†) The State of World Liberty Index is a ranking of countries according to the degree of economic and personal freedoms which their citizens enjoy; each country is given a score between 0 and 100. The Index defines freedom as â€Å"the ability for the individual to live their lives as they choose, as long as they do not infringe on the rights of others to do the same. †In the 2006 State of World Liberty Index, Canada ranked 3rd out of 159 countries (â€Å"The 2006 State of World Liberty Index†).The annual Transparency International (TI) Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), first released in 1995, is the best known of TI’s tool s. It has been widely credited for putting TI and the issue of corruption on the international policy agenda. The CPI ranks more than 150 countries in terms of perceived levels of corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. Under the 2008, Corruption Perceptions Index, Canada ranked 9th out of 180 countries (â€Å"Corruption Perceptions Index 2008†)The Index of Economic Freedom is a series of 10 economic measurements created by the Wall Steet Journal and the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. Its stated objective is to measure the degree of economic freedom in the world's nations. In the 2008 Index of Economic Freedom, Canada ranked 7th out 157 countries (â€Å"The Index of Economic Freedom†) The Press Freedom Index (PFI) is an annual ranking of countries conducted by the Reporters Without Borders Worlwide (RWB), which provides an assessment of press freedom in countries. Out of 169 countries, Canada ranked 18th in terms of Press F reedom Index.Discussion Based on the development indices that were taken into consideration, it would appear that the assessment of Canada’s development has been quite consistent with its image of being one of the highest ranked developed countries in the world today. Although there may be some slight variations in the degrees of Canadian â€Å"freedom†as shown by the State of World Liberty Index and Index of Economic Freedom, it would still be safe to say that the two (2) â€Å"freedom†indices are a fairly accurate assessment of Canada’s degrees of freedom in terms of civil liberties and economic freedom.The Press Freedom Index though shows quite a different story that is worth reconsidering. Why would a highly civilized and democratic country like Canada rank 18th among the countries assessed? Does this mean that the Canadian government may have been curtailing press freedom despite its significantly high performance in terms of providing human develo pment services to its citizens? One would just wonder how a highly evolving human development society like Canada would only rank 18th in terms of the Press Freedom Index.Canada has been consistently ranking one of the highest if not the highest in the Human Development Index and among the development indices earlier cited; it is the HDI that accurately measures human welfare and development in Canada and it goes beyond income as a measure of economic welfare. Furthermore, among the composite indices, the HDI is the most widely recognized in the world as it is being administered by no less than the United Nations itself. ConclusionAfter carefully examining the recent historical trends and development indices outlined above, it is still safe to conclude that Canada is indeed the â€Å"best place to live in. †and that the Human Development Index strongly demonstrates this observation. On top of this, Canada shows a relatively outstanding governance environment as shown by its high score in Corruption Perceptions Index. Furthermore, Canada has a free and unencumbered economy where its citizens can enjoy the fruits of their labor without any fear of political repression.Despite the challenges being posed by the impending global economic crisis, the development fundamentals of Canada are indeed looking healthier and could sustain the economic pressures from a highly globalized environment. Canada is a nation that is very rich in natural resources and with its continued demonstration of world-class human development standards; it can certainly look forward to an enviable development in the future. However, Canada, as a nation must not rest on its development â€Å"laurels†so to speak. It must strive some more for a more equitable distribution of weath.
Friday, January 10, 2020
bad effect of fast food to health Essay
When you feel like eating something and think of food, the things come to mind first are the taste, odor or color. Those who have to look after their weight will think of the portion size, many others think of energy, fats, sugars, vitamins or minerals. But do you know that the food we eat may cause side effects and a list of disadvantages. We are not talking about spoiled or poor quality food. Freshly harvested or just cooked food may also cause side effects, some are serious, some are just disturbing, and some may put you into embarrassing situation. Over time, this can lead to an increased risk for illness and disease. Fast food is harmful to health. It is a cause of various diseases. Here we discuss some most common disease and other side effects caused by fast food. Obesity Obesity means having too much body fat. It is not the same as being overweight, which means weighing too much. Fast food is high in calories and sugar that contribute to increased-weight gain. Even small amount of fast food can increase your calorie intake considerably. Fast foods also replace healthy eating habits, People who consume fast foods are less likely to eat fruits, vegetables, milk etc. This change in eating habits can easily lead to obesity. Heart Disease People who eat fast food four or more times a week, they up their risk of dying from heart disease by 80 percent. Fast foods create a much higher risk of heart disease because of the high level of saturated or trans fats found in much of the food. Those fats can clog the arteries and, over time, contribute to high cholesterol levels. Type 2 Diabetes Fast food has become a way of life for many busy persons seeking a fast and inexpensive alternative to cooking at home. Although they may develop type 2 diabetes, this type of diabetes is often caused by poor lifestyle choices, such as being overweight and not being physically active. There is a side effect to consuming frequent amounts of fast food ‘obesity’ which can lead to the development of diabetes. Peptic Ulcer A peptic ulcer, also known as PUD or peptic ulcer disease, is the most common ulcer of an area of the gastrointestinal tract that is usually acidic and thus extremely painful. For almost 100 years, doctors believed that stress, spicy foods, and alcohol caused most ulcers. Fast Foods which may causes Ulcer are Pizzas, Chips, Salted snakes etc. Lack of Family Gathering fast food does not provide family members opportunity to set and eat at one place. Every one can buy and eat walking in the way, driving a vehicle and during his work in office. The satisfaction which a combine meal provide is lacking in Fast Food. Irregular Timing of Eating A healthy person need to eat at a proper time which fast food doesn’t have. Fast food can be consumed at any time or some time twice or thrice a day, while home cooked food is served at proper time which provides opportunity to take rest after eating. Waste of Money Fast food consumes too much money as compared to home prepared food. Low income people can hardly afford continuous use of fast food. It spends a lot of budget and is also cause of loss of healthy body. Loss of Appetite Normal food contains appetizer which are not properly present in fast food. Continues use of fast food may cause loss appetite, abnormal digestion and sometime food poisoning. Fast food does not satisfy all needs of stomach. Lack of Essential Nutrients A well-balanced food contains all essential elements which are necessary for human development. Whereas fast food does not have all these elements, this type of food contains some elements in high quantity while others are absent. So, fast food does not fulfill all needs of body and sometime causes disorder. Stress Foods rich in fat are reason for many diseases related to heart, blood vessels, liver and many more. It also increases the level of stress. It has been observed that a rich fat meal can increase your stress level and make you at a greater level of stress in comparison to those who have a low fat meal. Certain foods and drinks act as powerful stimulants to the body and hence are a direct cause of stress. Like caffeine containing foods (coffee, tea, colas and chocolates), White flour, Salt, Saturated fats, Processed foods, such as junk foods and fast foods, contain synthetic additives – preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners, stabilizers and flavor-enhancers. These foods are called â€Å"pseudostressors†or â€Å"sympathomimetics†.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
The Belief In Supernatural - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1386 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/10 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Salem Witch Trials Essay Did you like this example? The Belief in how supernatural and in the devilrs practice of giving certain humans witches the power to harm others arose in Europe in the 14th century. The Salem Witch trials began in 1692 when a group of girls in village of Salem, Massachusetts, where claimed to be possessed by the devil. The theories for the mass hysteria and the accusations of Witchcraft were because of fungus poisoning. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Belief In Supernatural" essay for you Create order Samuel Parises girls suffered from a condition coming from ergot which was a type of fungus found in grains. This lead to the rise of the belief that there was evil and witchcraft going on in the village of Salem. Samuel Paris and his family arrived in 1689 to the Salem village coming from London being merchants and being puritans. During this time in England Puritan, whose origins lay in a late sixtine century reform movement within English protestantism , were by the 1650s divided into many fractions, but all believed that bishops, The mass, and all other remnants of Roman catholic worship had to be purged from english pulpist(Hoffer 9) they came seeking wealth and being able to practice religion . Samuel Parisses daughters Betty and Abigail, Williams began to act strange and they talking incoherently leading people to believe they were witches, and along with the nonsense they were making Parris had two Caribbean Indian slaves Tituba And John . One of the slaves baked a cake and were accused of it bewitching them with the cake Tituba made. Betty told her parents that Tituba, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn had been approached by the devil when they said no the witches began their assault. The first woman to have been executed during this time was Bridget Bishop. She stood out amongst most women during her time because of how many times she had married. In total she married 3 times and widowed twice. Her first marriage was a man named samuel wesselby the importance of this marriage was because he was the one who brought her to the newly colonized america. The second man she married was Thomas Oliver who already in fact a widower who had children of his own. The two had frequent fights that brought in the attention of the authority. Oliver physically abused bridget as her face had bruises. Eventually he died and accusations to her began about her being a witch.His two children claimed that their father died because her mother had used witchcraft on him. The people of salem accused her of attacking them and to the killing of their children and pets disappearing .She eventually faced a judge and her verdict was not guilty. The women in the courtroom began arguing with the judge to reconsider their verdict and a week later the jury indeed changed their minds and declared the nurse guilty . She was hung at the end of the trial on June 10th. George Burroughs came to Salem village as a minister from Salisbury around 1680. He graduated from Harvard University. He did preaching in Falmouth, Main until the indian attacks in 1676. He had a disagreement with Thomas Putnam. He had unusual strength for a short man Having been arrested for witchcraft. His unusual strength was used against him as evidence of his complicity with the devil.(Armstrong 219). During his arrest and bring back to seleam a thunderstorm struck while they were bringing him back and it scared both the horsemen and the men. The horsemen took it as a sign of the witch craft that burroughs could have done to escape. On May 9th he was seen by John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin both judges during the Salem Witch Trials while Reverend Samuel Parris observed only because he was a minister just like Burroughs. During his judging he was asked questions like if the house he lived in was haunted ? Of course he denied but did say that they had toads. The judges believed that they had something to do with witches. He also asked about when he took his last communion? He did not remember. For a puritan minister him not being able to remember the last time he took communion did not look good on him.George Burroughs was brought to trial on August 5th in 1692. Under the charge of being a religious leader they theorized he was speaking for the devil and influencing people to become witches.The reason why his trial was so significant was because he was part of the church and that reason scared the people of salem with the idea of the devil being able to infiltrate the church. Right before his execution he made a speech on how he was innocent and recited the lords prayer flawlessly something a witch could not do without making a mistake. Martha corry was the fourth person and a church member in this case to be accused of witchcraft out spoken in her skepticism about the existence of witches in the salem villageshe was sixty five years of age married to Giles Corey. Martha was Giles Coreys 3rd wife. Giles Corey was a farmer who had wealth and didnt have the best past concerning having went to trial for one of his workers on his farm lands. Although he was actually guilty he got away with paying a fine for his crime. Martha and Giles Corey were some of the first people who came to be the attendees of the examinations. Martha had doubts about the realness of the witch trials. Which she tried to speak forward about it but of course it made it seem suspicious in the eyes of other people and that was enough to accuse her of of working with the witches to stop these trials that have been going on. Mercy Lewis claimed that Marthas husband came to her as a specter and forced her to sign the Devils book. Giles Corey denying th at his wife was guilty of any sort of witchcraft was arrested by george herrick. He did not want to say anything he was not guilty or innocent of his charges. The people of the town of salem started to think that the trials were getting out of control with the killing of innocent peoples lives. On october 12 in 1692,The governor Philip ordered the protection of the current prisoners from the harm and the accuse of being a witch and off witchcraft. The only reason why this came to his attention was because now his own wife was being accused of a witch. The last trial was held January 1693 with the count of 19 people dead by hanging. They had to make sure the evidence was clear and they had to have way more evidence to prove someone guilty of any crime. Connor Mather spoke out to saleem and his first attempt at apology was an explanation in form of a defence of the court and the judged, and of course his own conduct. Now an outsider, replaced as it were by his father in the council their brethren(Hoffer 137). As the trials became a thing that was not considered human rights there were still a lot of people who were still in jail who could no t afford to pay the money to get out. The results of the salem witch trials left peoples crops to lead into failure because they were not attending to them instead they were attending to the witch trials. Reverend Samuel Parris job was on the edge of him losing it so he decided to attend a meditation for Peace sermon, admitting that he accused people of having to little in evidence.He did not gain the forgiveness that he was looking for in the village of Salem and agreed to leave Salem for good. Reverend Joseph green replaced Samuel Parris. Many of the people after the salem witch trials did not get along only because everyone accused other families of witchcraft. Not many people were easy to forgive. Citations Demos, John. The American Historical Review. The American Historical Review, vol. 75, no. 2, 1969, pp. 573â€Å"574. JSTOR, JSTOR, Weisman, Richard. Witchcraft, Magic, and Religion in 17th-Century Massachusetts. The University of Massachusetts Press, 1984. Hoffer, Peter Charles. The Salem Witchcrafts Trials. The University Press of Kansas , 1997. Hill, Frances, and Karen Armstrong. A Delusion of Satan: the Full Story of the Salem Witch Trials. Da Capo Press, 2002.
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