Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Exploring the Reasons Why Immigration is Beneficial to the...
One of the biggest debates among the American people as well as political leaders is the topic of immigration. The debate is about whether immigrants coming to America for a better life help or hurt the United States economy, and if these immigrants are taking jobs away from native residents and creating a job shortage. Other questions asked about immigration are should immigration in the United States be controlled and what is or should be done to help stop illegal immigrants. Jeanne Batalova writes in her article â€Å"Immigration Reform in the United States: Raising Key Questions†that â€Å"the current number of immigrants, 38 million, is at a historical high (73).†According to Ethan Lewis’s chart found in his article â€Å"The Impact of†¦show more content†¦Espenshade states that in the past many workers migrated to the United States as guest workers under a program called Bracero guestworker program (198). This program was created because o f the shortage of workers due to World War II. After the program ended many undocumented workers who came here under the program some went back as others stayed to find other work (Espenshade 198). After the end of the Bracero program, many migrants have come to find work in America knowing what it is like in America, even if they aren’t legal. A major argument dealing with immigration is the immigrants that come illegally. Illegal immigrants do not have to pay taxes and take money from the government by way of emergency room visits for example. Many Americans look down upon because they are basically paying for these illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants can work in the United States because employers are looking to find the cheapest way to make something which means more profit for them. The United States government has tried to control borders, carefully paying attention to see immigrants have valid paper work, but has seemed to not help at all. Even thought the bo rder patrol has shown to be unsuccessful, the United States government has taken other measures in controlling immigration. Espenshade states in his article that the â€Å"[c]oncerns with undocumented Us migration were first reflectedShow MoreRelatedShould a Pathway to Citizenship be Made Available to Undocumented Immigrants Residing in the US?2555 Words  | 10 Pagescitizenship be made available to the 10-12 million undocumented immigrants currently residing in the US? Allowing Pathway to Citizenship This has been a controversy subject for years. Some are arguing that this path would need to be created simply for the reason that it is the most civilized method in handling with the population, it is financially sound, and it would stop the tragic displacing of many peoples lives (Plant, 2003). 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